The benefits of the Cloud workstations Service of the PARKOVYI Data Center

The data center’s powerful infrastructure — with external power sources of up to 4 MW and its own diesel-generator power plant — will ensure continuous stable operation of the service under any scenarios.

Safe environment – physical isolation and full backup of operations of virtual data centers, built-in multi-factor authentication service and security of the architecture, confirmed by ISO, CIS and SAP Certificates.

A-class Infrastructure is available even for small and medium businesses. Hosting Cloud workstations Infrastructure in the Data Center provides access to the highest technologies at a relatively low cost per use.

Flexible configuration – users of the Cloud workstations Service can change the environment parameters up or down at any time.

Cloud desktop Infrastructure

CDI is a Cloud workstations based on VMware Horizon. This solution will help organise stable remote work for employees using reliable components of the Data Center. The Infrastructure of the PARKOVYI Data Center received the TIER III Design Certificate from the Uptime Institute and designed to ensure uninterrupted operation in any circumstances.

Certificates and statuses
Service variants
Leave a request for feedback. Learn more about a solution for organising stable remote work that is not afraid of blackouts.
Public CDI
  • Turnkey launch
    Ready-made solution from 5 workstations and stable operation without any interruption
  • Flexibility and accessibility
    Cloud Infrastructure for remote work that is independent of electricity
  • Technical support
    24/7 assistance from technical specialists in solving issues related to Cloud workstations
Private CDI
  • Turnkey launch
    Ready Infrastructure with personalised configuration from 100 workstations
  • Centralised management and security
    Manage your solution from 1 machine. Data in a dedicated Cloud will not leave the secure environment of the Data Center.
  • Personalised solution
    Integration of a customised solution for your Infrastructure
The Service includes

Terminal server

Dedicated server platform with multi-user access

Virtual workstation

Full ready to start working and installing the necessary user software

Virtual workstations + Public Cloud

The ability to mix classic IaaS and virtual workstation Infrastructure

Data backup

Backup copies of data are stored in a reliable environment of the Data Center, which eliminates the possibility of data damage or loss.

Unique solution from the PARKOVYI Data Center
  • Flexibility for any needs. We provide a ready-made solution for quick deployment from 5 workstations on the Public Cloud and from 100 workstations on the Private Cloud.

  • Security. CDI has a built-in external authentication provider for all cloud services with support for multi-factor authentication.

  • Variability and speed of deployment. On request, we provide a ready-made Infrastructure and deploy not only workstations and also access to terminal servers.

  • 24/7 technical support. The team of the PARKOVYI Data Center is constantly available and ready to help with any questions and problems in the Service.

  • The highest level of reliability. All components of the Service have the highest level of physical and energy security and are independent of external sources of electricity supply and other external factors.

About a mission of creating the Service