News of the Parkovy data center
2024-06-11 07:45:49
Two months after the end of Microsoft Azure Promotional Licenses: Is everything going well?
Tips and instructions

Two months have passed since the end of the last promotional licenses from Microsoft Azure. For some companies continuing to use Azure services, the issue of budget optimization has already arisen. Additionally, unresolved problems remain regarding response speed to queries, interface capabilities, and most importantly, cloud customization and adaptation to specific business needs. Unlike Azure […]

Company news
2024-06-04 15:17:57
Invitation for cloud providers not joined with Broadcom Program

Datacenter “PARKOVYI” invites cloud solution providers not participating in the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program to collaborate under a white-label sales model as Secondary VMware Cloud Service Providers. In addition to continuing to offer cloud services to their clients, receiving timely updates, and enjoying special cooperation terms, such companies will be able to: – Rely on […]

Company news
2023-12-22 16:13:33
The PARKOVYI Data Center provides data backup to the location in L`viv!

Thanks to the new location, we will be able to further expand our backup data service for those, who need to keep their corporate data within Ukraine, while maintaining the fastest data transfer and access through a direct high-speed 10 Gbit/s connection between the Kyiv and L’viv Data Centers. More details about the location: To […]

Company news
2023-12-08 11:55:02
Secure and fast Cloud Infrastructure migration from MICROSOFT AZURE

The PARKOVYI Data Center and Span Ukraine Company have announced the signing of a partnership Memorandum. As part of the agreement, the partners have agreed to focus on jointly supporting Ukrainian state and commercial enterprises in their development in the segment of the cloud technologies. The new model of cooperation between the market leaders will […]